Welcome < Modules <Zetta Multitrack Editor

Zetta Editor Overview

The Zetta Editor can be a Single Track Editor or a Multitrack Editor. The Zetta Editor is a digital audio editor featuring non-destructive and destructive editing with a waveform view and unlimited undo/redo history across editing sessions. The undo and redo history is saved with the Project for the next editing session. The Zetta Editor can record, mix, edit, and master digital audio files with tools that bring flexibility and control to the production studio. The Editor allows the user to edit audio with great precision and control. Using the keyboard and mouse the user can cut, move, copy, paste, delete, undo, redo, trim, crossfade, snap delete, zoom, drag, drop and mix. Audio can be added to the editor by simply dragging and dropping the asset from another module. The added audio can then be edited in its original format, not requiring a decompression like many other editors. The Zetta Editor can have multiple audio files in the same track and the same audio file multiple times in the same track or in different tracks. Assets can be opened from the Library, edited in the Zetta Editor and saved back to the Library.

The following topics can be used to assist in the navigation of the Zetta Editor application.

In this Topic: show/hideshow/hide


Save Asset As window

Drag/Drop Save Asset As window

Virtual Studio Technology (VST) Plugins

Default Keyboard Commands

Multitrack Commands

Docking and Pinning

Configure Zetta Editor Audio Assignments


Multitrack Editor Project

Single Track Editor Project - Quick Record

Zetta Editor Step-by-Step Topics

Clip List

Marker List

Audio List



Zetta Editor Toolbar

The following toolbar options are available in the Zetta Editor toolbar. When the window is reduced in size the toolbar buttons will be hidden and a drop-down will be shown to allow access to these hidden toolbar buttons.

New Project - The New Project button opens a new project tab. When the Zetta Editor is launched using the Multitrack Editor option in the Module menu or Edit Audio menu, the New Project button by default will open a new Multitrack Editor Project tab. When the Zetta Editor is launched using the Quick Record option in the Module menu or the Single Track Editor in the Edit Audio menu, the New Project button by default will open a new Single Track Editor Project tab. Optionally, click the down arrow next to the button to view a menu. From this menu the user can select the Multitrack Editor Project or Single Track Editor Project. When Multitrack Editor Project is selected the Zetta Editor will create a new project tab with a minimum of 3 tracks in the editor. When Single Track Editor Project is selected the Zetta Editor will create a new project tab with a single track and hide the track controls side panel. The default action, when the button is clicked, can be changed by right-clicking to the left of the desired option. This change can then be saved to a Layout.

Open Existing Project - The Open Existing Project button will open a windows browse window to allow the user to locate an existing Zetta Editor Project.

Save - The Save button by default will Save Project. Optionally, click the down arrow next to the button to view a menu.

Save Asset option will mix down and save the non-muted tracks as a Quick Record asset. The asset will be saved using the filename defined in the Quick Record section of the Voice Track and Quick Record tab of the System Configuration window.

Save Asset As will open a Save Asset As window allowing the user to define the Title, Asset Type, Days to Keep, Active Station and Export type.

Save Project when used on a new project will open a save window to allow the user to name the project, select a location and specify whether the editor should save copies of the associated audio files. Using this button on an existing saved project will simply save the project with the current save settings.

Save Project As will allow the user to save the project with another title and specify whether the editor should save copies of the associated audio files. With the Save Project As option the History is also cleared.

Save Project and Asset is only available when the asset was opened from the Library using the Edit Media button or the project was already saved as an asset. This option will mix down and save the changes to the asset, it will also open a save window to allow the user to name the project, select a location and specify whether the editor should save copies of the associated audio files.

The default action, when the button is clicked, can be changed by right-clicking to the left of the desired option. This change is then persisted for the user and will be the users default when MTE or STE is opened.

Important Note!

If the Save copies of associated files is not used and the associated audio files are later moved or deleted that were used in a saved project, the next time the project is open an error message is displayed. No audio file will be displayed in the tracks with missing audio. The header of the waveform and tool tip will show the location of where the audio should be located.

Import Audio - The Import Audio button will open a Windows browse window allowing the user to select a file from the local computer or network location. Audio imported using this button will be listed in the Audio List pane.

Mix - The Mix to button defaults to Mix to New Track. The Mix button has three possible options when selecting the drop-down arrow next to the Mix button. When the Mix button is selected it will first look for muted tracks, these muted tracks will not be included in the mix. If there is a highlighted region, the region will be mixed. If there is no highlighted region selected, but selected section(s), the section(s) will be mixed. If there is no highlighted region and no selected section(s), all the sections of audio will be selected first and then mixed. To Select All the sections in the Project use CTRL+A on the keyboard. To select multiple sections, hold the CTRL key while selecting the title bar of each section to be included in the mix.

Mix to New Track will look for a highlighted region, if a highlighted region exists, it will mix the selected region of the non-muted tracks to an empty or new track. If there is not a highlighted region all non-muted selected sections of the tracks will be mixed to an empty or new track. To select all the sections in the Project use CTRL+A on the keyboard. If no region is selected and no sections are selected, Mix to New Track will mix all the non-muted sections in all the tracks of the Editor to an empty or new track.

Mix to New Project will look for a highlighted region, if a highlighted region exists, it will mix the selected region of the non-muted tracks to the first track in a New Project tab. If there is not a highlighted selection, all non-muted selected sections of the tracks will be mixed to the first track in a New Project tab. If no region is selected and no sections are selected, Mix to New Project will mix all the non-muted sections in all the tracks of the Project to the first track in a New Project tab.

Mix to File will look for a highlighted region, if a highlighted region exists, it will mix the selected region of the non-muted tracks and open a Windows Save As browse window allowing the user to select a location and enter a file name for the audio file. If there is not a highlighted region all non-muted selected sections of the tracks will be mixed and a Windows Save As browse window will open allowing the user to select a location and enter a file name for the audio file. If no region is selected and no sections are selected, Mix to File will mix all the non-muted sections in all the tracks and a Windows Save As browse window will open allowing the user to select a location and enter a file name for the audio file.

A green progress bar is shown at the bottom of the Zetta Editor while the Mix is being processed. The default action shown by a check mark in the menu is Mix to New Track. To change the default action, right-click the option in the menu to move the check mark. This change can then be saved to a Layout.

Advanced - The Advanced button displays a menu to toggle the History pane, Audio List pane, Clip List pane, Side Panel and the Gain Level control in the audio tracks.

Undo - The Undo button will Undo the last action in the Zetta Editor.

Redo - The Redo button will repeat the last action after using the Undo button.

Make recording active in this station - The station select drop-down is used to select the station that the recording will be set to active. The recordings are placed in the Quick Records tab of the Library using the naming defined in the Quick Record section of the System Configuration | Voice Track and Quick Record tab. When the Station selection drop-down is clicked a cursor is made available allowing the user to type and quickly locate the desired station.

Close Project - To Close the current project tab without saving the project select the  x  from the Project tab.


Save Asset As window

The Save Asset As window opens when Save Asset As is selected from the Save toolbar button.

Title - The Title field is automatically generated from the settings in the Quick Record section of the Voice Track and Quick Record tab of the System Configuration window but can be changed as needed.

Asset Type - Use the Asset Type drop-down to select the Zetta Asset that the mix should be saved to. The default Asset Type is Quick Record.

Days to Keep - Enter the number of days to keep the asset in Zetta. This will set the Kill Date for the asset is Zetta.

Station - Use the Station drop-down to select the Station the asset will be active. This field is a multi-selection field allowing the user to activate the asset on multiple stations. Simply click the drop-down to select the station or start typing the name in the field to quickly find the station.

Export - The Export option drop-down is used to select what part of the tracks will be mixed. The Export option allows the user to select Entire Project, Highlighted Region or Selected Section(s). If Entire Project is selected as the Export option, all tracks in the Editor will be mixed and saved to the asset regardless of highlighted regions or section selections. If Highlighted Region is selected, the Editor will mix the highlighted region of the non-muted tracks and save the audio asset. If multiple tracks have audio and the audio falls within the Highlighted Region then it is included in the mix. When Highlighted Region is selected, the mixing will be done ONLY if there is a highlighted region selected. If there is no highlighted region, the OK button will be disabled and "No Region Highlighted" warning will be shown in the Save Asset As window.

A Selected Section is the audio waveform selected using the title header. Using CTRL or SHIFT and the mouse select multiple sections. If Selected Section(s) is selected as the Export option, all non-muted selected sections of the tracks will be mixed and saved. When Selected Section(s) is selected, if no sections are selected in the Project, the editor will Mix all the tracks in the Editor and save it to the asset.


Drag/Drop Save Asset As window

A Save Asset As popup is shown when the CTRL key is pressed while a highlighted region is dragged/dropped from the Zetta Editor to Logs, Clocks, Hot Keys or Stacks. The popup allows the user to change the Title, Asset Type, Days to Keep (kill date) and Station. The user can quickly press Enter on the keyboard to accept the default settings in the popup and bypass the change if needed. If the Cancel button is pressed on the popup, the drop operation is cancelled. If a highlighted region is dragged/dropped from the Zetta Editor to the Library, the asset type is determined by the selected tab in the Library and the Metadata Card for the new asset will be opened when the region is dropped.

If the 'Prompt on creation of new asset upon drag from Zetta Editor' option is checked, in the General tab of the Preferences window, the popup is shown at the drop location irrespective of whether the CTRL key is pressed.


Virtual Studio Technology (VST) Plugins

The Zetta Editor in supports the use of VST plugins. VST plugins are not provided with Zetta but can be obtained from a VST vender. VST plugins can be added to the C:\ProgramData\RCS\MTE_VST_Plugins folder of the computer running the Zetta Editor. When the VST .dll is placed in this folder the Zetta Editor will detect it and a VST Plugin option will be available in the Audio Section right-click menu and Selected Region right-click menu. The Interface for the VST Plugin will have a Refresh and Commit button in the toolbar. The Refresh button can be used to revert the changes made in the VST plugin. The Commit button is used to commit the changes, close the VST Plugin and return to the Zetta Editor. If there is a region selected the changes are committed to that region. If no section is selected in the track, Zetta will apply the changes to all sections on the track. If there are selected sections on the track, Zetta will only apply the changes to those sections. 


Keyboard Commands

The following Keyboard commands are the default commands available in the Zetta Editor. Additional keyboard shortcuts can be created by mapping the Multitrack Commands in the System Configuration Command Mappings tab.


Keyboard Keys







Snap Delete




Select All


Add Audio


Open Project


Save Project


Save Project As

Mix to File


New Project






Close Project






Record and Play

ALT+Mouse click of record button.

Select All sections


Add Marker


Insert Copied Selection

ALT+Mouse click

Zoom In/Out of Track


Zoom In/Out at Play Cursor


Pan Left/Right


Disable auto-snap on mouse release.



ALT Mouse Insert

The ALT key plus the mouse can be used to insert audio into an audio section, highlighted region or a track. When the audio is inserted the existing audio is split, the audio is inserted and the remaining audio shifts to the right by the length of the section inserted.

The following scenarios show the different ways the ATL+Mouse can be used to insert:

  1. Copy/cut a selection. Hold ALT while clicking the mouse on a section of audio. The copied selection will be inserted at the mouse click.
  2. Drag a section of audio onto another section. Hold ALT while releasing will insert the section. This works for a single section, for multiple sections on the same track and for multiple sections on multiple tracks.
  3. Drag a selection from the audio list. Hold ALT when dropping into audio section. The audio will be inserted at the point it was dropped.
  4. Place the play cursor and select a track. Hold ALT when clicking the Add Audio button in the toolbar, select a single file, click open and the file is inserted at the play cursor position on the selected track.
  5. Hold ALT while dragging and dropping a single audio file from the file system. The audio will be inserted at the point it was dropped.


Auto-snap on Mouse Release

If the user does a drag and drop to align two audio sections on a track or different track, the section being dragged into place will auto-snap to the aligned section when the user gets within 5 pixels of the section. If the user continues dragging, and travels outside of the auto-snap window the two sections will unsnap and not be aligned. If the user lets go of the mouse while the two sections are snapped, the sections will be snapped together. If the user holds the SHIFT while dragging the auto-snap feature will be disabled while dragging. Contact RCS Support for assistance with adjusting the distance when the auto-snap occurs.


Multitrack Commands

The following commands can be mapped to Keyboard or GPIO Command Mappings for the Multitrack Editor and the Single Track Editor.

Execute Command





Step (seconds)

AutoScrub will step the play marker by the specified number of seconds forward or back continually depending on the device used for the mapping. If Auto Scrubbing is started while stuttering is in progress, the play marker will jump seek to the next offset, stutter at that position for the seek interval, then jump again, stutter at the next position for the seek interval and so on. This will continue till the end or beginning of the audio is reached or is stopped (either by moving the scrub wheel to the center position or by using stop command). If the scrubbing wheel, of the device, is moved back to the center position while seeking, seeking will stop and regular stutter will continue in a loop in the current seek position. Stopping will stop both scrubbing and stuttering.

This command is designed to be used with a Jog/Shuttle wheel such as one of the JL Cooper devices supported in Zetta. GPI, Cue Point or Keyboard



This option will copy the selected section or highlighted selection of audio to the clipboard for pasting.

This audio can be pasted to the same track, another track or to another project. GPI or Keyboard



This option will cut the selected section or highlighted selection of audio from the track. It will be temporarily placed in the clipboard for pasting. 

This audio can be pasted to the same track, another track or to another project. GPI or Keyboard



This option will remove the selected section or highlighted selection of audio. When this option is used to delete a highlighted selection of audio, two new pieces of audio will be created out of the remaining audio, if the highlighted selection was not at the beginning or end of the audio track. 

This audio will not be held in the clipboard or be available for pasting. GPI or Keyboard



This option will paste any audio found in the clipboard from a Copy or Cut operation. 

This audio can be pasted to the same track, another track or to another project. GPI or Keyboard



This option will redo the previous undone change.

GPI or Keyboard



This option will split the selected section or highlighted region of audio.

GPI or Keyboard



This option will undo the previous change.

GPI or Keyboard



Fast Forward will fast-forward the play marker five seconds in the audio each time it is used.

GPI or Keyboard



This option will place the play marker at the end of the audio that is farthest to the right.

GPI or Keyboard



This option will place the play marker at position 0.

GPI or Keyboard



This option will jump the play marker to the End of the highlighted selection.

GPI or Keyboard



This option will jump the play marker to the start of the highlighted selection.

GPI or Keyboard



This option will mark the start of a selection

GPI or Keyboard



This option will mark the end of a selection

GPI or Keyboard



This option will look for a highlighted region, if a highlighted region exists; it will mix the selected portion of the non-muted tracks and save the audio file using the filename defined in the Quick Record section of the Voice Track and Quick Record tab of the System Configuration window. If there is not a highlighted region all non-muted sections of the tracks will be mixed and saved to a Quick Record asset using the filename defined in the Quick Record section of the Voice Track and Quick Record tab of the System Configuration window.

Mix will first look for muted tracks; these muted tracks will not be included in the mix. GPI or Keyboard



This option will open a Mix and Save As window allowing the user to define the Title, Asset Type, Days to Keep, Active Station and the Selection Type to save. 

Mix will first look for muted tracks; these muted tracks will not be included in the mix. GPI or Keyboard



This option will look for a highlighted region, if a highlighted region exists; it will mix the selected portion of the non-muted tracks to an empty or new track. If there is not a highlighted region all non-muted sections of the tracks will be mixed to an empty or new track.

Mix will first look for muted tracks; these muted tracks will not be included in the mix. GPI or Keyboard



This option will look for a highlighted region, if a highlighted region exists; it will mix the selected portion of the non-muted tracks to the first track in a New Project tab. If there is not a highlighted region all non-muted sections of the tracks will be mixed to the first track in a New Project tab.

Mix will first look for muted tracks; these muted tracks will not be included in the mix. GPI or Keyboard



This option will look for a highlighted region, if a highlighted region exists, it will mix the selected portion of the non-muted tracks and open a Windows Save As browse window allowing the user to select a location and enter a file name for the audio file. If there is not a highlighted region all non-muted sections of the tracks will be mixed and a Windows Save As browse window will open allowing the user to select a location and enter a file name for the audio file.  

Mix will first look for muted tracks; these muted tracks will not be included in the mix. GPI or Keyboard



The Insert Copied Section/Merge option is used to insert and merge a copied highlighted region into the audio section.

GPI or Keyboard



This option will move the zoom/pan control to the left equal to the amount of the Zoomed position.

GPI or Keyboard



This option will move the zoom/pan control to the right equal to the amount of the Zoomed position.

GPI or Keyboard



This option will pause any playing audio and hold the play position.

GPI or Keyboard



This option will start playing the non-muted tracks from the play marker position.

GPI or Keyboard



This option will play the audio of all non-muted tracks except for any highlighted regions

GPI or Keyboard



This option will start playing the audio from position 0.  All non-muted tracks will play.

GPI or Keyboard



This option will play 2 seconds of audio on each side of the highlighted region for all non-muted tracks.

GPI or Keyboard



This option will play the audio within the highlighted region area of all non-muted tracks.

GPI or Keyboard



This option will close the current project.

The user will be prompted to save the project if there are any unsaved changes. GPI or Keyboard



This option will open a new project tab.

GPI or Keyboard



This option will open a browse window allowing the user to select an existing project file.

GPI or Keyboard



This option will save any changes to the existing project.

 If the project is new the user will be prompted to name the project, choose a file path to save the project and choose whether to save copies of the associated audio files. GPI or Keyboard



This option will open the Save Project As window allowing the user to name the project, choose a file path to save the project and choose whether to save copies of the associated audio files.

GPI or Keyboard



This command option will start recording at the play cursor position on the tracks that are armed for recording.

Use the Track.ToggleRecord to arm the selected tracks for recording. GPI or Keyboard



This will rewind the audio (move the play marker to the left) by 5 seconds each time it is used.

GPI or Keyboard


Step seconds

Scrub will step the play marker by the specified number of seconds forward or back depending on the device used for the mapping.  If Scrubbing is started while stuttering is in progress, the play marker will jump seek to the next offset, stutter at that position for the seek interval, then jump again, stutter at the next position for the seek interval and so on. This will continue till the end or beginning of the audio is reached or is stopped (either by moving the scrub wheel to the center position or by the stop command). If the scrubbing wheel, of the device, is moved back to the center position while seeking, seeking will stop and regular stutter will continue in a loop in the current seek position. Stopping will stop both scrubbing and stuttering.

This command is meant to be used with a Jog/Shuttle wheel such as one of the JL Cooper devices supported in Zetta.  GPI



This option will cancel any highlighted selection.

GPI or Keyboard



This option will extend the highlighted selection range.

GPI or Keyboard



This option will Zoom out the tracks to show all the audio sections in the project tracks.

GPI or Keyboard



This option will remove the highlighted section of audio and snap together the remaining surrounding audio.

GPI or Keyboard



This option will remove the highlighted section of audio and snap together the remaining surrounding audio and merge the sections into one.

GPI, Cue Point or Keyboard



This option will paste the audio, previously copied or cut into the windows clipboard, into the selected audio at the play marker, thus splitting the selected audio into two separate sections. When the insert is complete there will be three separate audio sections that are snapped together. 

GPI or Keyboard



This command option will record the audio into the selected audio at the play cursor position, thus splitting the selected audio into two separate sections. When stop is hit there will be three separate audio sections that are snapped together. A track must be armed for this command to work.

GPI or Keyboard



This option will stop the command currently in process and return the play marker back to its original position.

GPI or Keyboard


step: seconds

This option will stutter play the audio, this option is used for fine-tuning to a precise position within the audio. StutterPlay will start playing from the play marker for the specified seconds and then go back to the starting point and play the same number of seconds continuously in a loop until switched to a different play command or stopped by the user. If Stuttering is started while scrubbing is in progress, scrubbing will stop and regular stuttering will start at the current position.

This command is meant to be used with a Jog/Shuttle wheel such as one of the JL Cooper devices supported in Zetta. GPI 



This option will show/hide the Audio List.

GPI or Keyboard



This option will show/hide the History pane

GPI or Keyboard



This option can be used to jump between projects by the specified value in the settings field.

GPI or Keyboard



This option will move the user to the next track down from the selected track until the bottom track is reached.

GPI or Keyboard



This option will move the user to the previous track up from the selected track until the top track is reached.

GPI or Keyboard



This will toggle the mute button for the selected track. Multiple tracks can be muted.

GPI or Keyboard



This command option will toggle the Arm Track button for the selected track. Tracks with the Armed button active will record when the play controls record button is selected. All tracks can be selected to record simultaneously as long as each track is armed and each track has a separate record device selected. 

Track must be selected for the command to Arm the track. GPI or Keyboard



This will toggle the solo button for the selected track. All other tracks will be muted and show only the current track as an enabled track. When the track is selected as Solo the button will change to a yellow color.

GPI or Keyboard



This option will Zoom into the audio tracks.

GPI or Keyboard



This option will Zoom out the audio tracks.

GPI or Keyboard



Opens the selected asset in the Zetta Single Track Editor

GPI, Cue Point or Keyboard



This option will open the selected asset in the Multitrack Editor allowing the user to edit the audio.

GPI or Keyboard


Station, option to Start recording immediately and Track Count.

Opens the Multitrack Editor Module for the selected station. If the option Start recording immediately is selected the Editor will start recording as soon as the module is open. The default track count is 3. Track count can be a minimum of 1 track for single track editing.

GPI or Keyboard

Transition between different Play Commands:

Invoking a Play command always transitions from the current Play Command to the requested one immediately. However, hitting the Play button (it will be in paused mode when play commands are in progress) switches to regular Play mode when invoked while PlayExcludeSelection, PlayOutsideSelection and PlayStutter commands are in progress and will play from that position till the mixer end. Similarly, invoking the PlayTogglePause and PlayToggleStop commands while the play commands PlayExcludeSelection, PlayOutsideSelection and PlayStutter commands are in progress will switch to the regular play mode and start playing from that position till the mixer end.

The Zetta.OpenQuickRecorder command can also be added using the Command Mappings to launch the Zetta Single Track Editor for quick recordings.


Docking and Pinning

The Audio list and History panes can be docked and undocked or pinned and unpinned, to arrange them in a convenient way, to customize the Zetta Editor. Docking and pinning allow the user to open up the work space for the Project tab. The panes can only be undocked when they are not pinned. To undock a pinned pane, click the pin first and then proceed to undock the pane using the title bar. See the Docking and Undocking topic in the Layout section of the guide for additional instruction.


Configure Zetta Editor Audio Assignments

To Configure Zetta for use of the Zetta Editor perform the follow steps:

  1. Select the Computer to use from the Computer window of the Configuration Menu
  2. In the Details tab the Zetta Multitrack Editor should be the Default Editor, if it is not use the drop-down to select the editor of choice.
  3. Select the Audio Assignments tab.
  4. Select the Zetta Editor Default Record Device to use for the Computer
  5. Select the Zetta Editor Playback Device for the Computer
  6. Click Save


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