Welcome < Zetta2GO Overview

Zetta2GO Overview

Zetta2GO® is a licensed application that allows the control of a Zetta Automation/Playout system from an internet browser. Using an internet browser from a laptop, remote desktop, tablet or smart phone a user can display and control Zetta, create Voice Tracks, edit Segues, fire Hot Keys, use the Library and Monitor the system. In Zetta2GO the user can drag and drop (tap, hold and drag) assets from the Library to Logs or Hot Keys similar to Zetta.

To login to Zetta2GO the user must have the right to Login and a Zetta2GO Seat license available. When user rights are configured in Zetta a select number of rights will be enforced in Zetta2GO, these rights are noted in the Comments section of the tables in the Working with Security topic.

The clock in Zetta2GO’s On-Air and System Monitor modules will reflect the time associated with the Station Time Zone for Zetta2GO setting. Furthermore, all the airtime values in the Zetta2GO Logs module and the date time value types in Library and VT/Segue Editor will be adjusted to reflect the offset according to the time zone for the station.

Assets can be Auditioned easily by middle-clicking the asset. Optionally, the user can select the asset in Library or Logs and use the Audition toolbar button or select Audition Asset from any right-click context menu.

Drag and drop is supported for all modules allowing the user to load and play audio assets easily. Multiple events can be dragged at a time; use Shift or Ctrl to select multiple items. Hot Keys support drop of multiple events (events are distributed horizontally in rows). Holding Ctrl while dragging can be utilized to copy (rather than move) the event within the Log (this is indicated by a blue adorner).  Events can now also be dragged from or dropped to the Show or Mini-Log window.

The font used in Zetta2GO is the preferred system font for the devices being used.


Zetta® Requirements

The version of Zetta2GO with on-air, logs, library, hot keys, voice tracking, content store and system monitoring for all device types requires Zetta version 4.1 or higher. Zetta2GO and the required Windows Components will need to be installed on the computer assigned as the Zetta2GO Service computer in the General tab of the System configuration. The user will connect to the computer assigned as the Zetta2GO Service computer using a web browser.

Important Notes!

The application may need unblocked from the firewall, depending on the site and computers firewall settings. The Zetta2GO Server and RCSAPI process use port 3137 for http. A SSL Connection will need to be created in IIS for Zetta2GO on the Host Service Computer. Contact RCS Support for assistance in creating this SSL Connection.


Setting up Zetta

The Zetta2GO Service will need to be enabled and assigned to a configured computer in the General tab of the System Configuration window. The Computer selected will need to have the Zetta2GO software installed, see step 9 of the Zetta Client Installation instructions. Also see the Installing Windows Components for Zetta2GO section of the Preparing to Install Zetta topic before enabling this feature.



Device Requirements

After the Zetta2GO installation and Zetta configuration, Zetta2GO can be accessed by opening a VPN connection to the location of the Zetta2GO Service Host computer and then entering the connection address in the Web browser of the device to be used.


To request enhancements to Zetta2GO contact RCS Sales or RCS Support


Supported Audio Formats

Zetta2GO supports the same audio formats that the browser being used supports. If the browser being used does not support the audio format that is being imported a message is displayed indicating the file type is invalid. For more information on the audio formats supported by the different browsers visit HTML5 audio.


Welcome < Zetta2GO Overview

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