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The ZCast tab is used to define the sending site ZCast Address and default send configuration settings for sending ZCast packets to a receiving site. The ZCast Connections window of the Configuration menu is used to setup site connections. See the ZCast topic in the Features section for more information on using the ZCast feature.

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When the ZCast Service is enabled in the General Tab; the ZCast tab will be displayed in the system configuration window.

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System Toolbar

ZCast Address

Capture Communication

Max Number Of Retries

Time till retry after failure

Limit Outbound Bandwidth

Limit Inbound Bandwidth

External ID handling on Incoming Assets


ZCast Address

The ZCast Address is the address of the computer assigned to run the ZCast Service and the port used when communicating with other Zetta® systems. This field is automatically populated with the correct computer name and the default port of 3135, however this field can be changed, contact RCS Support for assistance. Use the Test button to verify the connection to the ZCast Service.


Capture Communications

The Capture Communication option, when enabled, will add verbose logging for Zetta.ExternalServiceLauncher.exe. Every call that is made from a ZCast client and to the ZCast server will be logged to a file XX_WANCAST_COMMUNICATION_Zetta.ExternalServiceLauncher.exe (the first numbers of the file name will be the day of the current month). Each entry will show what URL call was made, the parameters passed in and the response to that call. Contact RCS Support for assistance.


Max Number Of Retries

The Max Number Of Retries setting is the maximum number of times that Zetta will retry sending the data before it stops trying and fails the send request. The default setting is 60 retries.


Time till retry after failure

The Time till retry after failure is the time in seconds that Zetta will wait before it retries to send the data again. The default setting is 60 seconds.


Limit Outbound Bandwidth to

This option will limit the outbound network bandwidth used by ZCast. The default setting of zero means Zetta will use all bandwidth detected in the sending of ZCast packets to ZCast connections. Deleting the entry will default to zero. This setting can also be controlled on the fly using the Command Mapping ZCast.OutboundLimit in an Execute Command in a log, background recorder or macro.


Limit Inbound Bandwidth to

This option will limit the inbound network bandwidth used by ZCast. The default setting of zero means Zetta will use all bandwidth detected in the receiving of ZCast packets from ZCast connections. Deleting the entry will default to zero. This setting can also be controlled on the fly using the Command Mappings ZCast.InboundLimit in an Execute Command in a log, background recorder or macro.


External ID handling on Incoming Assets

The External ID handling can be used to set how Zetta is to handle the External ID of incoming assets. This can be useful when receiving ZCast data from a site who does not share the exact same External ID arrangement to prevent duplicate External ID's.

Accept External ID - There are several ways of handling external ID's during a ZCast import. These settings are used on the inbound side:

Accept Always - This option always imports the external ID that comes from the import, regardless of whether the asset is new or not. Also, does NOT check for conflicts. This is how versions prior to 2.9 of Zetta handle the External ID.

Accept when no conflicting External ID, otherwise keep External ID - This option imports the external ID that comes from the import IF the external ID given is not set on a different asset. If the same external ID is found on a different asset Zetta will accept the asset, but clear the external ID on import of the new asset. This means the new asset will not have an External ID. If the same external ID is found on an existing matching asset then the asset will be updated and the External ID will remain the same.

Accept when no conflicting External ID, otherwise make External ID unique - This option imports the external ID that comes from the import IF the external ID given is not set on a different asset. If the same external ID is found on a different asset Zetta® will accept the asset, but change the external ID to a unique number on import if it is a new asset. If the same external ID is found on an existing matching asset then the asset will be updated and the External ID will be changed to a unique number. The unique number will have the word DUPLICATE in it for easy searching in the Library module (ExternalID_DUPLICATE_AssetID_RandomNumber).

Accept and clear External ID on conflicting assets - This option imports the external ID that comes from the import IF the external ID given is not set on a different asset. If the same external ID is found on a different asset, Zetta will clear the external ID on the EXISTING assets that have the external ID. In other words, the asset that is getting imported will retain the external ID given, and conflicting assets with the same external ID will no longer have an External ID.

Accept and make External ID unique on conflicting assets - This option imports the external ID that comes from the import IF the external ID given is not set on a different asset. If the same external ID is found on a different asset, Zetta® will make the external ID unique on the EXISTING assets that have the external ID. In other words, the asset that is getting imported will retain the external ID given, and conflicting assets with the same external ID will get a new unique external ID. The unique number will have the word DUPLICATE in it for easy searching in the Library module (ExternalID_DUPLICATE_AssetID_RandomNumber).

Ignore External ID - This option tells Zetta to never accept the given external ID from the import. Zetta will clear the external ID on the importing asset if it is a new asset, and will leave the external ID alone when updating an existing asset.

Fail transfer when conflict found - This option will fail the import of the asset if the External ID conflicts with an existing asset.


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