Welcome < Configuration < Computer Configuration < Logging


Logging in the computer configuration is used for logging issues that may be happening with Zetta® on the computer. By default Zetta will log at a Verbose level, providing as much information on system operation as possible. The Debug files are saved to (...\ProgramData\RCS\Zetta\!Logging\Debug). The detailed logging will log an extra level of information over and above verbose logging for the executable(s) selected.

Important Note!

The Detailed Logging, Performance counters and Named Threads should only be changed only under RCS supervision.

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Detailed logging levels for

Log SQL statements granularity

Sequencer message logging

Reset logging level to default

Performance counters

Named Threads

Logging Setup


Detailed logging levels for

To enable detailed logging, use the 'Detailed logging levels for' drop-down to select the executable(s) that are to be logged. This is a multi-select field that can be used to select more than one executable for advanced logging.

NOTE: Change only under RCS supervision.


Log SQL statements granularity

Use the 'Log SQL statements granularity' option to enable or disable the logging of SQL statements to the database. When enabled the user can select the granularity by selecting the default System Setting (what is already set in SQL) or 1 – 24 hours. This is the time before the SQL statement is logged to the database.


Sequencer message logging

The 'Sequencer message logging' option allows the user to adjust the amount of data logged using the following options.

No Special logging - This No Special Logging option is the default. No additional data, beyond the default Verbose logging for the processes in Zetta, will be saved.

Use Verbose logging for most messages to the Sequencer - This will log an additional layer of debug and allow RCS to investigate rare issues encountered by the Sequencer. It should not be necessary in most situations.

Use Verbose logging for all messages to the Sequencer (may cause a lot of debug) - This option is similar to the above however all debug information will be logged to file for Sequencer activity. This will cause a lot of debug resulting in an increased log file and disk I/O. This option should only be enabled for short periods of time to capture certain events and monitored regularly to ensure other system operations continue to function correctly.


Reset logging level to default

To reset the logging level to log only Exceptions and Errors click the 'Reset logging level to default' button just below the 'Sequencer messaging logging' field.


Performance counters

Contact RCS Support before enabling the Performance Counters.


Named Threads

Contact RCS Support before enabling the Named Threads option. This option will add the thread name to entries in the log file. This option is used by support for debugging and diagnostic purposes.

Important Note!

Enabling the Named Threads feature may reduce the performance of Zetta.


Logging Setup

The default logging is to log at a verbose logging level for all Zetta processes no further setup is needed. Use the following instructions to configure logging for more detailed information that can be used in troubleshooting issues with Zetta. Contact RCS Support before changing logging levels.

To setup detailed logging for a computer, perform the following steps:

  1. Contact RCS Support
  2. Using the Configuration Menu, click Computers.
  3. Select the desired computer
  4. Select the Logging tab.
  5. Click the drop-down arrow next to the Detailed logging levels for field.
  6. Select the executable(s) to include in the Detailed logging level.
  7. Change the Log SQL statement granularity using the drop-down menu.
  8. Set the Sequencer message logging desired.
  9. Click Save

Welcome < Configuration < Computer Configuration < Logging

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